One Less Orphan

This blog is a journal of our journey to Ellie Mei . She is an orphan living in an orphanage from ZhouKou, Henan, China.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

NVC Letter Arrived

We are now into the 4-6 week wait for Travel Approval (or more, who knows).  I am so excited to meet my little angel!!!!  I pray for her daily, that her little heart and mind will be prepared for the scary day when she is given to us, the day we find joyful, and she will be comforted, and that God will be with her.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! This is so exciting! Before you know it you will be picking up Miss Ellie! I have also heard from many others that taking the train is better than the van. I believe the train is three hours, but is suppose to be very relazxing where the van I heard can be stressful if you get stuck in traffic. I like the idea of the beach ball. I will pray that Miss Ellie will have an open heart and that she will be ready to join a family. She is darling! Pray that she is being treated well and that her medical needs will be minor. Kelleyn
