We're home! And we're together as a family! It was a great flight with a huge miracle. Ellie didn't want anything to do with anyone until we arrived in Seattle from Shanghai. She had fallen asleep by grandma, so I went over and picked her up and held her. It was so nice to snuggle her. She was still asleep when we landed, so I carried her off the plane. She woke up after a while and looked up at me and just smiled. She never let me put her down or be away from her after that. She was on my lap on our last flight, had me carry her off, and wanted me to hold her while she fell asleep at home. She took to Big Brother, the athlete, quickly, and loved meeting Grandpa. It was truly a miracle. Thank you for your prayers! It was such a blessing for me!
Grandpa and the two other kids were waiting at the bottom of the escalator. Lan Lan came running towards us with a gift for Ni Ni. Athlete had brought balloons, Grandpa had brought flowers. It is so good to be home with my family!
Do you see those cuddles. What a tough 2 weeks, but so worth this joy as a mother. I'm so grateful for this experience. I love China and the gifts that it has given me! Can't wait to drink water out of the tap, though, and read a menu I understand. I also cannot wait to take my girls back to visit their homeland!
So happy things are going so well and that you had an easy flight home! I can't believer Ellie is only 9 months older than Avery, but twice the size. I think she is going to be tall which means she will fit right in with your family. Congratulations! Hopefully, we can meet Ellie next year when we come skiing in Utah. We would have been there this year, but I am sure you can guess why we aren't going.