It is final, she is ours! It went fairly smooth...we signed papers, they presented us with our official Adoption Document, we headed to the notaries office to have all of the paperwork copied and notarized, paid our fees and we were finished! Whether she likes it or not, I am not her mom...and she isn't going for that at all right now. She calls me mama, but she only wants her daddy to touch her, comfort her, hold her, and love her, and it breaks my heart. But, I know she is going through a tremendous amount of change and trying to make sense of it all, and I pray she will be able to accept my love before this trip is through. I didn't realize how hard the rejection would be on me and I could use a really good cry, but I am grateful for a good husband who loves her and in whom she has found comfort and safety. I love you, Ellie Mei!

This is on the way to Walmart and the Princess and Monkey Boy love it every time we pass it. I have no idea what it stands for or why it is there, but it's there.
She is wearing baba out, but they're so cute together!
Before you know it she will be gving you kisses and hugs freely. I am shocked at how poort he ZhouKou area is! Did you get the Typhoid shot before you left? Spoke with my doctor and she didn't think it was necessary, but now I am wondering if that is foolish given how poor the city is!