Wow, Travel Approval came today. I am soooooo surprised! I wasn't expecting it for at least a week. It has only been 1 week since Article 5 was picked up. I am smiling and crying at the same much to do and so little time! They've given us 2 options for travel, either Oct 16 or Oct 23. We're requesting the 23rd, but we'll see what everyone else in our group requests. Majority wins. Because of the holiday, we won't have exact dates until Friday or Monday. We'll keep you informed!
Here we come, baby girl!
I didn't realize you had to go with the group. It was my understanding that you could go with the group or it that didn't work for you could go when it was good for you. So much to learn. I have to go back over the packet because I belong to a yahoo group and some people talked about the I-800 and all these things you had to with something call a GUZ number or something. Gosh! Travel is coming up quick for you! Are you packed?